Year: 2023

Diary Entry PFH- Elizabeth is dead…

I trudged through the supposed sidewalk, it is crumpled up into little shards of concrete. I want to deny it, she is gone… the one thing I thought about 24/7, the one precious thing I had here in England, well Elizabeth wasn’t a thing she was a person, a person with a bright future. I hadn’t realised the salty tears running down my dirt stained cheeks. The toxic air filled with specks of dust and wood splinters seeping into my nose like a river of intoxication.


My clothes are stained with blood not my blood, her blood, my head is pounding with pain, I clenched my fists, my nails digging in the dirty palms drawing blood, it should have been me…


Clay Work – Pennies for Hitler

Room 8 is reading Pennies for Hitler by Jackie French. As part of our learning we had to choose a critical moment.From one section of the book. My group chose the moment when Aunt Miriam and Georg arrived at the library to say goodbye to Mrs Huntley before he had to leave on a boat. We created this scene in clay and our rationale for this choice was that when the library had been crushed we feel like he would have been devastated by the fact that his favorite place to go to was turned into rubble. The library signified his happiness…a place of comfort, so it would feel like another piece of his life was destroyed.

About Me

Hello my name is Nikita, I am Samoan.

I have 4 siblings,3 boys, and 1 girl.I love to play kia o-rahi, touch, and netball.My favorite foods are noodles with seaweed,butter chicken, KFC, and Vietnamese spring rolls. I don’t really play games, but I enjoy playing card games. My hobbies are reading and listening to music.

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